
Glyptography at Royal British sculpture Society

                                        CECIL THOMAS AND HIS CONNECTION WITH GREECE

     Cecil Thomas (1885-1976) was one of England's most noted sculptors. He was also a medallist and  a seal and gem engraver, that carved and engraved gem materials in intaglio and cameo,plus miniature sculptures .His student and heir, Nick Kielty-Lambrinides(1920-2004)  was half Greek , he became a master Gem engraver in his own right and founded a School of Glyptic Arts in Athens , aiming to the revival of the art of Glyptography.                                                           
  The  20th -21st  century history of  European Glyptography presented at Royal Society of British Sculptors in May 2008 , passing from Cecil Thomas  to Nick Kielty -Lambrinides , and from him to his own students ,, that formed into a group in 1994 called Cosmochaos ,based in Greece but exhibiting throughout Europe, carry on Thomas' and Lambrinides' tradition of excellence and inventiveness. Cosmochaos (now teachers in their own right) , set the rules of Modern Glyptography.
 A series of lectures by Dr. Emmanuel Minne, Dr Harris Livas and Cosmochaos ,held at RBSS.
  Also an exhibition of historic pieces made by Cecil Thomas and Nick Kielty- Lambrinides ,besides  Contamporary Glyptographical pieces made by Cosmochaos studio ,gave a chance to the audience to see at close hand a number of examples of  important Gem Engraving works.
 A live workshop-demonstration of Glyptography art by Cosmochaos gem  artists also took place  and fascinated the audience that watched  closely a real rock crystal carving  by the use of diamond tools.

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